Strength Union’s primary offering, including individualized programming, expert coaching, supportive community, and 24/7 gym access at the best prices in Portland.
Unlimited: $250 per month for unlimited sessions at any location.
Limited: $200 per month for a single in-person coached session.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday Afternoon: 5-8pm
Saturday: Noon-2pm
Ladies Night Thursday: 6-8pm
Virtual Coaching - $50 per month, never miss a session!
Nutrition Coaching - $100/month, achieve your body composition goals.
Personalized strength training tailored specifically for you! Meet your goals with 100% hands on guidance from an experienced strength coach. The ultimate in flexibility, accountability, and hands-on support.
The first step is our Introduction to Strength Training. This 2-hour private instruction includes all the necessary fundamentals of performing the four main barbell movements, strength programming, nutrition, gym safety, and more. From there our coaches can work with you to craft an individual plan with you for your continued training.
Introduction to Strength - $125 for two hours.
Continued Personal Training - Variable. We have coaches and plans for every budget. Bundle sessions or commit to weekly, bi-weekly, or tri-weekly training and save money!
We bring the coaching to you! Expert instruction, rapid feedback, individualized strength programming and powerlifting support. Train anywhere and on your own schedule.
Through the power of technology our coaches provide the necessary feedback, support, accountability, and plan for you to excel on your strength training journey.
Unlimited - $200 per month, daily feedback
Limited - $150 per month, 2 videos per week
Programming - $100 strength programming only
24/7 Gym Membership - Add a Gym Membership for only $25/month.
Nutrition Coaching - Add nutrition coaching for only $100/month.
Join us at Strength Union for a women lead, women’s lifting group! Connect with like-minded women who want to get strong, under the watchful eye of our expert coaches.
Members - Free
Non-Members - $10 drop-in
Thursday night from 6-8pm